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Jill's Journey

Hopping her way towards a (hopefully) cancer free life three legs at a time

Happy THREE YEAR Ampuversary Jill!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:09 am on Saturday, December 12, 2015

Well.  Here we are!  THREE YEARS!  Can you believe it?  I certainly cant.  Wasn’t it just yesterday I was sitting here panicking?  Seems like it! But no.  It’s been three years since Jilly was at the hospital having her leg amputated. Three years since her journey began.  Now here we are.  She’s a happy, healthy […]

Secret Revealed!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:11 pm on Monday, November 2, 2015

Jill here! Tonight I got to meet…….WYATT’S MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mommy told me this morning we were going on an adventure tonight that our hero Rene, Wyatt’s Mama was coming to the BIG APPLE to see us!  OK, she was really coming for some conference, but more importantly, to meet ME! So she packed me up in […]

I haz a secret

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:21 am on Monday, November 2, 2015

A Jack Update!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 3:00 pm on Friday, October 30, 2015

Hi Everybuddy! It’s been one month since Jack’s terrible bout with Pancreatitis.  I’m not going to rehash the whole thing, but it was quite a terrifying ordeal!  He had to spend three nights in the ICU and was severely dehydrated and I was told he “most likely” had lymphoma. Long story short, I contacted Jill’s […]


Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:39 am on Monday, October 5, 2015

I’m going to try to make this as concise as possible….I just haven’t had the energy to write as it’s been such a roller coaster of a week.  There’s lots of info involved, but I’ll try to summarize as best as possible! My poor Jack began vomiting two Thursday’s ago (9/24).  But really, a cat vomiting? […]


Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:52 pm on Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Taking a break from working like crazy to wish my baby girl a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!  Little Jill turns 11 today!!!!!!!!  Today is the FOURTH birthday we are celebrating since she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in June 2012 and her third birthday on three legs.  I never knew if we’d even see her eighth birthday […]

Toe Ampuversary!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 9:56 am on Saturday, June 27, 2015

HELLO Everyone!!! First – I apologize for my absence as of late!  Work has been crazy and I barely have time to crawl out of my hidey hole that is my office!!  But I do check in from time to time and hope everyone is well.  Things are great here.  Jack and Jill are doing […]

28 months

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:00 pm on Sunday, April 12, 2015

Today is Jilly’s 28 months ampuversary and with just an hour to spare I remembered!!! She is doing great, Jack is doing great all is well 🙂 May will hopefully bring some fun visits from Belle and Dempsey and I will make sure to take lots of pictures and videos.  Dempsey is settling in purrfectly […]

Introducing Dempsey!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 2:26 pm on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The new baby has arrived!!!  Little Dempsey arrived on Saturday.  Her foster mom drove her down from Albany to my apartment in NYC.  My parents were coming into the city on Sunday, so she got to spend one night in the zoo with Jack, Jill and Belle. She came right out of the carrier and […]

A new family member!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:58 am on Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hi everyone! Well some very exciting news today! About a week or so ago I saw this kitten on facebook.  I couldn’t resist her little face, but I have two cats and that is PLENTY for me.  I read about her and turns out she lives with a foster family who has a poodle and […]

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