HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!! – Let’s focus on him today!
I’ve had many a conversation on here with multiple pet owners who feel some anxiety about their quad-pods feeling either left out or abandoned during this journey. I must admit, I often feel the same. There are some nights, I’m ashamed to admit, that I forget Jack is even in the apartment (much easier for a cat owner obviously than a dog owner!). I’ve had to make extra effort to give him attention, he does not like when I leave the apartment with Jill, often bellowing out a LARGE meow when we come back. So…..when today, my baby boy’s TENTH BIRTHDAY came upon us, it was time to celebrate!!
A brief Jack history since you all know so much about Jill. I was a senior in college when my best friend and I woke up one morning and said to each other: “Let’s get a kitten!”. OK. Except our house of 6 sorority girls was a “no pets allowed” house. But we didn’t care. So we went online to read the classifieds and a nice lady in Laurel, MD was selling her kittens. And that’s how Jack became my first born. Here is a picture of Jack’s first day with me, I can’t believe he is all grown up now:
And then, he was evicted. Remember, no pets allowed. Well, I was crushed. Once again, Grandmaw and Grandpaw to the rescue! So off to NY Jack went to live until I graduated and moved to NY. Jack also had a scary moment when he was neutered, a very bad reaction to anesthesia which resulted in a head tremor and paralyzation of the lower half of his body. But he pulled through! So that is my Jack. He is my funny, funny guy. He is also a calendar model if you didnt know, Mr. January 9th, 2003 in the page-a-day calendar 🙂
So, here are our pictures of today’s celebration, what a great time we had, FISH OIL FOR ALL!!!!!!
And of COURSE Barney joined in on the FUN
And you may be wondering where Belle is in all these pics………well……the hat didn’t quite fit on her head………….
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BOY! Today we forget about cancer and celebrate you. Thank you for making me laugh everyday 🙂
February 23, 2013 @ 2:08 pm
Happy Birthday, Jack!
February 23, 2013 @ 2:12 pm
February 23, 2013 @ 6:06 pm
Happy Birthday Jack. I hope it was one great pawty. You even had 2 special guests your Belle & Barney. Enjoy it alot.
I do have to say though Jill looks less than thrilled with the hat & Barney 🙂
February 23, 2013 @ 8:30 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!!! Jack is such a handsome boy. Those pictures are hysterical. The one with Jill made me laugh so hard. The look on her face is hysterical. I really needed that laugh today..thanks. I hope you are all enjoying the day together.
February 24, 2013 @ 11:32 pm
Oh my goodness Jack! I missed it yesterday, but that means the party gets to keep going! I know how much that crazy human loves you and I know you are a lucky kitty to have her and Jill (and Belle). I wish you many, many more birthdays.
February 26, 2013 @ 9:40 pm
Awh!! Happy birthday Jack 😀
I know what you mean about the ‘left-out’ thing, we are always worrying now that Patch might feel pushed aside so we do whatever we can, but it’s still difficult at times!
You’re doing an amazing job though, they all look so happy!