Dont Worry About a Thing…..’Cause Every Little Thing…..Is Gonna Be All Right…..
When I look at this pic, I just hear that song playing in my head. I took this picture a few hours after getting home from the vet on Sunday. Jill had her weigh in after being off a metronomic dose of Leukeran for two weeks to see if she would gain weight before we started to panic. She had previously lost 15% of her body weight in 6 weeks. I was panicking. It did not appear to me that she was eating any less and she was having very mild GI issues, but nothing that should cause her to lose such a significant amount of weight.
So Sunday would be very telling. If she had lost more weight, we would have had to proceed with an abdominal ultrasound because something wasn’t right. Her bloodwork was perfect, so it had to be something internal. I can say with all honesty, I was just as nervous for this weigh in as I’ve been for any chest x-ray. The nice vet tech brought her to “the back” and I sat there (they were also doing another urine test on her, nothing much to worry about they just wanted to check something, it all came back normal) waiting and waiting. The receptionist who just adores Jill went back at one point and came out and yelled “9 POUNDS 8 OUNCES!” Well. I thought I heard wrong. That’s 11 ounces she gained in 2 weeks. And now I can breathe again.
So it seems the Leukeran was making her feel yuck and she just wasn’t eating as much as she usually does. So now who feels horribly guilty? Well yeah, me. It’s ok though, we figured it out!
So where do we go from here?
I originally brought up doing metronomics with Jill’s oncologist because I honestly hated the thought of not having a plan after finishing IV chemo. After Jill had her toe amputated in June 2012, the plan was to do nothing because the margins were clean and look where that got us. I think there’s always a fear in me that the “do nothing” approach just isn’t good enough because it bit me the first time. But I need to learn to accept the fact that this time isn’t like last time. This is an unpredictable disease, especially in Jill for so many different reasons. We really didn’t know what we were dealing with the first time and when it metastasized in her leg, we really fought it head on.
But I swear, when I took this picture on Sunday something clicked inside me. Everything is going to be fine. Look at how happy she is. Look at how healthy she looks. Maybe “doing nothing” is really doing SOMETHING. It’s letting her live her life. She’s been fighting cancer for 14 months now. Do I need to ask more of her? There needs to be something said for the power of just living a happy life. She deserves that. She’s been such a tough little fighter throughout this whole thing. We can try to give her a lower dose of Leukeran and see if she does OK on that, but honestly, I think it’s time for “Jill’s Journey Part 4 – Relaxation” to begin 🙂 and for the first time in a long time, I am happy and feeling like everything is going to be all right.
August 27, 2013 @ 2:28 pm
Bravo Erica! It is really hard for us to not feel like we are giving up if we aren’t doing something. But you are soooooo right- you are not doing nothing- you are GIVING Jill her normal life back- no meds (well, no extra ones!)no vet visits (well, no extra ones!). And you are treating her love- never forget that!
August 27, 2013 @ 2:48 pm
NINE pounds EIGHT ounces!! Sounds like they were announcing a birth!! Good job PEPPER! Good job JILL!
And maybe in a metaphorical way, they were! A “new beginning” for you and Jill! A new plan has just been born!
Not only can I see the relaxed attitude of Jill, but I can “hear” it in your words today.
And you never know which role we play at any given moment on this journey…..student…..or teacher. Today you are our teacher.
Lots of love, higs and many years of relaxing in the sun with Jill!
Salt and Hapy Hannah
August 27, 2013 @ 3:12 pm
I am so glad to hear you’ve got a relaxed attitude about stopping the chemo. You’ve done everything under the sun to help her, but she might just be telling you “Look, I’m fine – quit it with the pills now”.
Having her life and appetite back is a huge celebration. I am so glad she gained weight. I think since your last post the entire community has been holding their breath for Jill news. Glad she’s feeling good – now it’s time to make one of those famous videos to celebrate 🙂
August 27, 2013 @ 5:25 pm
Hi Jilly and Erica! Good news – how often is gaining weight good news – HA! Funny as I was reading your post little Dixie came hobbling out of her comfy bed in the other room and hopped onto my lap as if to say – whats new with jilly? Anyhow, hope you will still keep us posted as me and Dixie are just enamoured with Jill and even Jack as well as enjoying your writing ablilty. hugs, kisses and very best wishes, Virginia and Dixie
August 27, 2013 @ 8:47 pm
Yay Jill & Erica. I am glad you are just going to let Jilly enjoy. You have done everything and you will keep fighting in your own way
Michelle & you cancer buddy angel Sassy
August 27, 2013 @ 9:50 pm
Congratulations Grasshopper, you’ve graduated.
August 27, 2013 @ 10:29 pm
Awwww, well said! I’m SO glad a solution to the problem was found and that it’s an easy fix! Hip hop hooray! She is looking mighty fine and has always had one of the bestest of lives (yep, all 9). She’s going to excel even more now. YEY!
~ Katy & Jackson
August 27, 2013 @ 11:22 pm
Yay! We even celebrate weight gains around here!! This is wonderful news and I’m so glad things are settling for both of you. Thanks for making us smile as only Jill can do!
Luanne and Shooter
August 27, 2013 @ 11:44 pm
Oh Jerry said it so well! Breathe, live in the moment, and be more cat. Well done, Jilly Bean. Well done, Erica. Go LIVE YOUR LIVES! The whole rest of them, whatever that is! Have a blast, break some rules, be rude, be crude, just live and accept the gift.
August 28, 2013 @ 8:59 am
A very thoughtful post. You see we think alike.
August 28, 2013 @ 1:18 pm
Yeah Jilly! Weight on! That is just good news, and yes, take a breath and let her be her happy self!
You are such a great mom!
Ilene & Harley
August 29, 2013 @ 12:14 am
I don’t know how I missed this post. 🙁 YAY JILLY-BEAN, my weight gaining girl. (Stick with me kid, I can show you to put on the pounds from years of experience). Puppy kisses (I know, yuck) to you, your momma and your brudda.