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Jill's Journey

Hopping her way towards a (hopefully) cancer free life three legs at a time

We cannot be related……..

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 9:39 pm on Monday, April 8, 2013

Jill Here.  Well.  This cancer is certainly not going to kill me, but I might die of embarrassment over my brother.  What  a ridiculous kitteh he is.  PUT YOUR LEGS TOGETHER AND BEHAVE LIKE THE DIGNIFIED KITTY YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE.  Sigh.  I. Am. Moving. Out.  I can’t even look.





April Fool’s Osteosarcoma! Joke’s on YOU!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 1:57 pm on Monday, April 1, 2013

“YOU’RE GONNA LOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!”, says Jill!  Here’s what she thinks of that stupid ‘ole tumor!!


Hoppy Easter EveryBunny!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:37 am on Sunday, March 31, 2013

Well Jill is a Jewish Kitty but I figured, she hops like a bunny now anyway and let’s be serious, she’d look very silly dressed like Moses!

So, Happy Easter from Jill the Bunny!!!


Luck of the Irish

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 1:58 pm on Sunday, March 17, 2013

Well, our pack is not Irish, but I figured, hey, a little irish luck can’t hurt us!  So Jilly got all dressed up today and hopefully some more luck will come our way as we’ve been pretty lucky so far throughout our journey!


3 Month Ampuversary! Time flies when you’re HOPPIN fun!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:52 am on Tuesday, March 12, 2013

WOW!  Three months already!  I just can’t believe how fast it is going and how well Jill is doing!  There is really not much to report which is great news!  She will have her fourth and final chemo treatment on March 29th and so far, no visible side effects.  She had a clear lung xray last week which was just the best news of the month!  Especially after her coughing scare.

So, onto month 4 we go.  Hopefully, it will be as uneventful as months 1-3 have been!  If someone would have told me before her amputation she would be doing this great, I would’ve laughed in their face, but she inspires me and makes me proud everyday.  She is a true fighter.  And now for the pictures and some video 🙂


Here she is with her Baby Ducky, the only toy she has ever liked:


And I thought it would be interested to do a side-by-side comparison, so here is day 4 post amputation and month 3 post amputation, WOW!


And here are two videos, one of her running around like a maniac and one of her getting a three month ampuversary belly rub 🙂

Torturing Mommy (and chemo #3 and XRAY)

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 12:26 pm on Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hey Folks and Folkettes.  Jill Here.

It’s been a rough week.  I decided to really stick it to my mom this week.  She knows I don’t like that fish oil, but I decided to really voice my opinion this time.  So Sunday night, I decided I would do this:

Well.  I didn’t mean to make my mommy cry.  But she did shove a pill and some oil down my throat.  That’s not a nice thing to do with a kitty who is having some acid reflux.  Mom says “please stop coughing Jilly, youre making mommy nervous!”  (Mommy wants to to mention here that I’ve never had a hairball, since thats probably what all you dog people are thinking 😉

I guess I made her really upset, because then she paid me back a few days later by doing this to me:



So yes, it was time for Chemo #3.  But first Mom tells me I have an important picture I need to smile for.  I smile big for the picture and I think I did pretty well!  All the nice people at the AMC say GOOD JOB JILLY!  And then they reward me by STICKING A NEEDLE IN MY ARM.  Sigh.

Mom comes to pick me up later, but first we played around in the waiting room while mom waited to chat with my doctor.  And you’ll never believe it.  I met another kitty tripawd!  I think we shall become best friends forever.  I was hopping all around the waiting room and Mommy was laughing her butt off, she seems to feel a lot better and happier now that I did such a good job at my pictures they took this morning.  One nice man said to me, “theres no way you are sick little  kitty! look at you go!”

Off to home we go in the big yellow taxi, Mom is very happy with me and gives me lots of treats and I settle in for a nap right next to her as we are now back to being friends and I really do love my Mom.  I didn’t mean to make her scared, turns out I just had a cough from the acid reflux and the fish oil was hard for me to swallow from that.


Bye Bye Barney…But Before You Go…….

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 4:32 pm on Saturday, March 2, 2013

Well, it’s time for Barney to say goodbye to New York and Jill.  He is off to a very secret location for a top secret mission.  We have been so honored to host him.  He’s been here through mostly great times and a few rough nights.  Most of the time spent here, Belle just played with him, but every now and then, I’d see Jill go over and sniff him.  I hope she can feel all the strength and love he carries with him.  Reading the journals that comes with Barney was very moving for me as I stated in my previous Barney post.

So, we still have a long journey in front of us and I wanted Jill to feel all the love the tripawds community has sent within the box that came with Barney.  I wanted her to feel the strength of all the doggies that came before her.  I scavenged through that box for each and everything that I could put on her so she could, maybe through osmosis, pull all that strength into her system.  And here is my Jill, surrounded by all of that love.

From Cooper

From Cooper

From Catie & Riley

From Catie & Riley


From Catie & Riley

From Catie & Riley

From Catie & Riley

From Catie & Riley


From Mackenzie

From Mackenzie

From Opie

From Opie


From Opie

From Opie

From Opie

From Opie


Please, Please no pictures

Please, Please no pictures


From Jewel

From Jewel

…….so, then came time to do her paw print. Not sure how I’m going to explain this to her vet tomorrow………….



Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:10 am on Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wooohooo!  Our first postcards have arrived!


Our very first postcards came from our fellow Winter Warrior ( Sassy – one dog, TWO STATES!  Iowa & Nebraska!!  Sassy is also Jill’s “Chemo buddy” – they have their treatments on the same day!

Next up came two postcards from California!  Maw & Paw Tripawd (Thanks for that phrase Shari!) Rene and Jim and Wyatt and Spirit Jerry sent one from Palm Springs and Kitty Cat Neige, a VAS (Vaccine Associated Sarcoma) Survivor sent one from Santa Cruz!!

Then one all the way from Canada!  Hank, another Winter Warrior!  Who we are very excited earned his grant yesterday and can now start his chemo treatments soon!!  GO HANK!!

OK, we have a lot of states to go people!!!  Here is the original link again on where to send the postcards and all about the mission!!  PLEASE SEND AWAY!  JILL LOVES GETTING HER MAIL!

And here’s a quick update on my girl, she’s doing great – halfway through chemo now, she has her next session on March 6th with a lung xray (yikes!).  Only side effect so far is that shes lost her whiskers on ONE side of her face.  It’s the side where she still has a back leg, so I’m pretty sure she’s now all balanced out………..Here’s a pic………..until next time everyone! xoxo


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!! – Let’s focus on him today!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 12:17 pm on Saturday, February 23, 2013

I’ve had many a conversation on here with multiple pet owners who feel some anxiety about their quad-pods feeling either left out or abandoned during this journey.  I must admit, I often feel the same.  There are some nights, I’m ashamed to admit, that I forget Jack is even in the apartment (much easier for a cat owner obviously than a dog owner!).  I’ve had to make extra effort to give him attention, he does not like when I leave the apartment with Jill, often bellowing out a LARGE meow when we come back.  So…..when today, my baby boy’s TENTH BIRTHDAY came upon us, it was time to celebrate!!

A brief Jack history since you all know so much about Jill.  I was a senior in college when my best friend and I woke up one morning and said to each other: “Let’s get a kitten!”.  OK.  Except our house of 6 sorority girls was a “no pets allowed” house.  But we didn’t care.  So we went online to read the classifieds and a nice lady in Laurel, MD was selling her kittens.  And that’s how Jack became my first born.  Here is a picture of Jack’s first day with me, I can’t believe he is all grown up now:


And then, he was evicted.  Remember, no pets allowed.  Well, I was crushed.  Once again, Grandmaw and Grandpaw to the rescue!  So off to NY Jack went to live until I graduated and moved to NY.  Jack also had a scary moment when he was neutered, a very bad reaction to anesthesia which resulted in a head tremor and paralyzation of the lower half of his body.  But he pulled through!  So that is my Jack.  He is my funny, funny guy.  He is also a calendar model if you didnt know, Mr. January 9th, 2003 in the page-a-day calendar 🙂

So, here are our pictures of today’s celebration, what a great time we had, FISH OIL FOR ALL!!!!!!

Jack in a Box

Jack in a Box



And of COURSE Barney joined in on the FUN



And you may be wondering where Belle is in all these pics………well……the hat didn’t quite fit on her head………….


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BOY! Today we forget about cancer and celebrate you.  Thank you for making me laugh everyday 🙂

Barney Takes on Manhattan!….in the Rain….

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 9:47 am on Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Well the time finally came for Barney to venture out into the big city.  Since I don’t have a doggy to help show him around the city, Barney came to work with me for the day.  I was a tad concerned about this that he might become overwhelmed, but he seemed to REALLY enjoy it!  His mouth was hanging open the entire time as he took in the sights!  Here he is as we entered my office building, the lovely Conde Nast Building, where Vogue is published.  I was concerned Anna Wintour might run him over in the lobby, but she was nowhere to be seen.


We then went to my friend Gavin’s office as he has the best view in the building!  Barney took in the sights and watched all the cabs run by and sat atop the famous New Year’s Eve Ball.  Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We then went off on an adventure in the subway.  Barney really enjoyed this part of the journey!  Sooooooo many people and smells! Where is a little purple dinosaur to look first!?  We took a quick subway ride to the world famous Empire State Building, however, when we exited the subway it had begun to rain.  Dark clouds were upon us all of a sudden out of nowhere.  We made a mad dash to the tall building and got a quick shot so as to not get Barney soaked!!!!


Back to my office for the rest of the day where Barney took a little nap and I got some work done before a big night out on the town.  You see, Barney had an appearance to make last night……..ON BROADWAY!  Yes, that’s right folks, Barney on Broadway!  Here he is making his big stage debut and reading all about his leading role as Sandy in the Playbill:



All in all, I think Barney really likes the Big Apple.  It’s a little bit overwhelming for him and he was pretty happy to be home last night and passed out the second we got in.  I think he might be a little confused as to why the people around here aren’t questioning me or looking at me funny as I take pictures of him, usually he attracts a lot of attention, but I told him, “hey, that’s how it is around here! most people just go on about their business….”

We have a few more days of trying to get Jill to warm up to the little purple guy and one big birthday party for him to be here for!  I’m not sure he ever wants to leave, I think he’s a big city guy now!

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