Two years. Â There are so many words I can use to express how I feel when I type those words, but none of them adequate enough to really explain it. Â Overjoyed, thankful, elated…the list can go on and on. Â What I really feel is just an overall feeling of peacefulness and sense of pride that we’ve gotten to this place.
Being completely, totally, brutally honest, I NEVER in my wildest dreams would have predicted this outcome. Â I hate to say that outloud. Â But it’s the truth. Â And while this journey has brought us to this wonderful moment, it was a journey filled with moments of fear and doubt. Â You hear the diagnosis: Cancer. Â What??? Â How can that be? Â Then you get the treatment plan: Amputation and Chemotherapy. Â Then you think (or at least I did) – will the cancer kill her or will the immobility do her in? Â But then the panic subsides, and you look at that little face that has entrusted you with their life and you decide to fight. Â And fight we did. Â I made the decisions for her, but she put up the fight.
Now two years later, she is so happy, so healthy.  If I didn’t go through it with her, I would never believe this kitty ever had cancer.  She’s getting a little pudgy, weighing in at just under 12 lbs.  I looked back today at her records from day of surgery and she was 10.75.  To me, that’s a nice healthy sign 🙂
My little baby girl – you had a whole team behind you of wonderful vets and family….but you did this. Â You got yourself here. Â I am so happy I still get to snuggle up to you everynight and morning. Â You are the most sweet, loving little being and it makes me such a proud Mom to see you so happy and healthy today, just enjoying your life snuggling with me and begging for treats.
I love you little girl. Â Thank you for teaching me so much about love and strength.

3 days after amputation: