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Jill's Journey

Hopping her way towards a (hopefully) cancer free life three legs at a time


Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:41 am on Monday, September 1, 2014

Today is Jill’s 10th birthday! Ten!? Where did the time go???  Isn’t she still a kitten!?

This is the third birthday we are celebrating since she was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma.  I can’t tell you how lucky I feel that I am able to say that.  When she was diagnosed in June 2012, I didn’t even know if I would have one more birthday with her.  And now here we are.  She continues to amaze me each and every day, only ever whining for treats.

So today, everyone please give your doggies and kitties lots of extra love and treats in honor of Jill’s birthday!  I love you little one.  I count my blessings each and every day that I have more time with you, but especially on these days.

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Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:49 pm on Monday, August 11, 2014

Tomorrow (8/12) is Jill’s TWENTY MONTH ampuversary!  Twenty months cancer free!  I’m posting a little early and have been very absent as of late because it is my busy season at work and needed to take the few minutes I had to make this tribute to my little one.  It was exactly a year ago that I brought Jill to the vet and they weighed her and she had lost a ton of weight and I had to jet off to Boston for work worrying like crazy with terrible thoughts running through my mind.  Thankfully it was just a bad reaction to the metronomic chemo she was on and now she is happier and healthier than ever.

Don’t worry everyone, Jack is taking GREAT care of her while I’m working long hours as you can see from the video below.  And I will be back once recruiting season is over!!!


Erica & Jilly

Since I have been so absent, here’s a boatload of pics and a video


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Happy 19 month ampuversary Jill!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 9:55 pm on Saturday, July 12, 2014

Happy 19 month ampuversary to my Jilly girl!!  It’s so very hard to believe that 19 months ago Jill had her leg amputated and 2 years ago she was diagnoses with this awful disease.  But today she is doing so great.  She is doing far better than I EVER could have imagined.  I am so so thankful for that and I don’t take one single day that I have with her for granted.

Some pics from this past month and a video of her getting her ampuversary treats.

xoxo all – hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!!

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Happy TWO YEAR Toe Ampuversary Jill!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:16 am on Friday, June 27, 2014

Two years ago today Jill had her little toe amputated.  At the time, we knew it was some type of sarcoma since a needle aspirate was done, but nothing more than that.  A few days later the results would come in – Osteosarcoma – and over the next 6 months everything would change.

At first, we thought we got it all since the margins were really good.  But 6 months later, a lump appeared in her leg and unfortunately the cancer had spread.  Her leg would need to be amputated.

So while I can’t say Jill has been cancer free for 2 years, I can say she has been fighting like a true champion for 2 years.  I truly, honestly did not think I would be sitting here 2 years later with this outcome, as much as I hate to admit that.  When I got Jill’s diagnosis, right to google I went.  And the facts looked grim.  Albeit, most of what I found was not about Cats with osteosarcoma, my head was still in a tailspin.

Reflecting on where I was two years ago today, I can only say that I got my strength from my friends, this community, my parents and from Jill herself.  Never once did she falter.  Never once did it seem like she resented me.  I’ve questioned a lot of the decisions I’ve made for her, but now I know they were all the right ones.

So……Happy Two Year Toe Ampuversary my little sweet girl.  I love you so very much.

Here are some pictures and video from her toe amputation recovery and the survivor video I made for her last year on this date, enjoy!








Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:59 am on Thursday, June 26, 2014

Jill Here.

Hi Everybuddy!  Mom is too busy at work so she asked me to make a quick post.  Today is Belle’s THIRD birthday!  Yes she is growing up so fast, right before our very eyes!!!!  She is still visiting with us while Grandmaw and Grandpaw are on vacation but she has to leave this weekend 🙁 But at least she is here to celebrate her birthday with us.  Maybe I will let her play with my tail today.  We will see.



Happy 18th Month Ampuversary Jill!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 1:45 pm on Thursday, June 12, 2014

Today is Jill’s 18 month ampuversary!!!!

It has been one crazy crazy month for me!  I started a new job two weeks ago and things have just been really insane.  But I am settling in quite nicely and loving it.  In a few weeks, we will celebrate TWO YEARS since Jill’s toe was amputated and she was diagnosed with Bone Cancer.  It is CRAZY how time has flown!  And since I have been so absent from Tripawds, I’ve included a bunch of pictures for you all for her ampuversary and a video of who I have left to babysit her while I’ve been away 🙂






Hoppy 17 Month Ampuversary Jill!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 12:30 pm on Monday, May 12, 2014

Today is Jill’s 17 month ampuversary!  Hip HOP Hooray!  She is doing great.  This past month brought about a small scare when I found a lump in her chest.  The lump was aspirated and it seems to be FAT.  However, the lump is quite small, so I need to keep an eye on it just in case the aspirate missed something.

So we keep on hoppin on!  Next month will bring a huge milestone as it was June 2012 when Jill was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma.  She didn’t have her leg amputated until 6 months later, but I can’t wait to celebrate the fact that it will be two whole years that she has been fighting and beating cancer!

Much Love to everyone! xoxoxo









Off the market!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:11 am on Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Jill Here! Well I have some exciting news.  Some of you may have seen this new tripawd kitty around (  His name is Bobby.  My mom found him for me on JDate.  or something like that.  I know it was on the internet.  You all know Bobby’s new Mommy Lori.  Lori’s baby Chuck was a beautiful, sweet St. Bernard we all came to love here on tripawds and fought the great battle against bone cancer.  Unfortunately, Chuck had to go to heaven and I continue to fight the good fight against this nasty disease in his (and others!) honor.

Well.  Mommy thought Lori should have a tripawd since TECHNICALLY Chuck never did become one – but he was an HONORARY one.  So mom hit the interwebs and found me a boyfriend! Right there, staring up from the screen, right outside of Chicago where Lori lives was BOBBY!

OK, so we don’t live near each other and he is a bit younger than me but….I can be a cougar MRRRRROWWWW! and I can still love him from afar!  I am so so happy Bobby found a great home!  Bobby got his leg STUCK in a BEAR TRAP and then had to have it removed!  That sounds like one brave kitty to me and great boyfriend material.  What do you think guys?  Don’t we look like a great pair of tripawds?


Precious Jill

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:52 pm on Monday, April 14, 2014

I don’t think this needs any words….Just make sure your volumes on and you watch til the end

Happy 16 Month Ampuversary Jill!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 9:52 am on Saturday, April 12, 2014

Today is Jill’s 16 Month Ampuversary! My how time flies when you’re HOPPIN FUN!!

She continues to do great – nothing at all new to report, which is just wonderful.  All is pleasantly quiet here in NY and spring is on the horizon.  Belle will be back next week for a 2-night sleepover and again in May for a 4 week visit and Jilly is anxiously awaiting her return.  She continues to be my sweet, loving little girl and I couldn’t be more pleased 🙂

Here she is asking for her ampuversary treats and some more pics and videos for you:

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