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Jill's Journey

Hopping her way towards a (hopefully) cancer free life three legs at a time


Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:33 am on Thursday, October 31, 2013

Jill Here.  I’m a little bit confused.  Mom put these costooms on me last night but I know today is not an ampuversary or a birthday.  Sigh.  I did my best to cooperate.  She says its Halloween and I need to dress up or I don’t get my treats!  So Happy Halloween everypawdy!  Eat lots and lots of treats tonight but don’t get a belly ache!!!!!!


Cousin Lucy

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:42 am on Friday, October 25, 2013

Jill here.  Hello my people.  Mom gave me some news this morning before she left for that place she goes everyday, its called the awfuce I think.  My cousin Lucy is coming over for three weeks to visit us.  Usually I get really cited when she tells me about a visitor because it is my friend Belle.  But I am a little fraid of cousin Lucy.   Lucy is Aunt Farrah’s cat and Aunt Farrah has to go to some place called Kong Kong for three weeks.  Is that like the toy Belle brings to my house?  Anyway I digress……..Mom says not to be fraid of Cousin Lucy that Cousin Lucy just gets scared when her Mama is not around and she really wants to make friends with us but she is a little bit skittles.  What is this skittles mean?  Also Cousin Lucy doesn’t understand how to flirt with Brudda properly.  I have the evidence.  I hope Cousin Lucy loosens up on this visit a little because I would really like to play with her.  Here is some footage from her last visit:

This is what happens when she first arrives for a few days:
















Then she will start to get a little curious, I don’t like how she’s looking at my blankie here:
















Finally she comes out and relaxes a little (mom said I had to put these pictures in to show that Cousin Lucy is really OK afterall….but I still don’t know…………)
















Here she is flirting with my brudda:

Jack <3 Jill

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:11 pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Jill Here.  OK, so maybe sometimes I’m too hard on big fat brudda.  I guess he really does love me after all………..and ok, I love him too

“Hey Sis, don’t worry, I always got your back”


Hoppy Ten Month Ampuversary Jill!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:16 am on Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ten months ago today I brought Jill to the vet to have her leg amputated.  If you would have told me to close my eyes and imagine ten months from then, I would never have imagined the place we are in today.  I’m so proud of you little Jill, you are truly a fighter.

In honor of Breast Cancer awareness month, Jill has decided to wear pink for this month’s ampuversary photo shoot (OK, I know she always wears pink, but just play along….).  This is in honor of her great grandma who passed away from Breast Cancer.  She never got to meet my Grandma, but I know she would have loved her.  My mom tells me my grandma was not a huge cat lover, but I know Jill would have won her over.  I miss you Grandma, I know you are looking over Jill so thank you for being her guardian angel through this whole journey.


Here is your celebratory belly rub Jilly!


Sharing is Caring

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 1:53 pm on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Everything is going well in Jill Land health-wise as we settle into our new normal of no more drugs, no more once-a-month check-ups.  She is definitely back to her old self, however, I fear I may have created a monster.  OK, so yes, maybe I have babied her a little over the past 10 months, but really who could blame me?   I quite possibly let her get away with a few antics she may not otherwise have been allowed to, such as over-indulging in treats or smacking brudda in the face a time or two.  Well, last night, Jack decided to ruffle some feathers.  When I get home from work (and I suspect when I’m AT work), these are always the assumed positions, Jill on her spot on the blankie, Jack on his blankie on top of the couch:
















Jack got a little brave last night and decided it was his turn on the blankie – and even though there is a lot of room on that blankie, he wanted THAT spot.  Well this threw Jill’s whole world into a tizzy.  She was jumping on the couch, off the couch, staring, hitting….nothing could get Jack off that spot.  Giving me looks of such guilt, “Mom please make him move”.  She did not care that there was an entire area of the blankie she could lay on.  She was MAD.  How dare he!?

Here she is first staring out from the bedroom plotting her next move (I put the arrow so you can see her little black face hiding in the darkness):















Oh the horror of it all:
















Eventually, after hours of this behavior, she figured out the other spot on the blankie isn’t SO bad.  But she wasn’t happy about it as you can see.  But little Jilly must learn sooner or later Jack is important too and she must share!  He was here first after all………………

“I dont like it, but it will have to do.  Just change the channel”:


6 Months Post Chemo Check Up

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:55 pm on Friday, September 27, 2013

Off we went today to see the fine folks at The Animal Medical Center.  Jill had her 6 month post chemo check up (for those of you who aren’t counting that’s 6 months post chemo, 9.5 months post amputation, 15 months post diagnosis) today which meant the dreaded chest X-Ray.  Yet again, Jill decided she would give me a nice little scare RIGHT before an X-Ray.  Yes, just like back in March, a few days before this X-Ray, she decided to have a coughing fit.  Thanks for that Jill you little bugger.

Well, everything checked out BEAUTIFULLY.  Her oncologist is very pleased with how she is doing.  Lungs are crystal clear, weight is back up to normal.  She’s a happy and healthy kitty cat.  I honestly have not ever been as calm as I was before a chest X-Ray as I was this time.  I don’t know if it’s my new found “Keep calm and hop on” attitude or what it is, but she has just been acting so happy, healthy and bright eyed lately.  I just knew that cough was her giving me a run for my money.  But you can’t fool me little one!

So next up, she’ll have another chest X-Ray when we mark her one year ampuversary in December.  After that, her oncologist really thinks she’s “good” and we can start doing the X-Rays only once or twice a year. We know her case is quite different than other kittys with Osteosarcoma, so who really knows, but we’ll take it!

….and here is some video of her playing tonight 🙂

Because Sally Loves Pictures….

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 1:39 pm on Friday, September 20, 2013

I’ve taken some new pictures of Jill in all her tripawd glory the last week or so and couldn’t figure out where to post them for Salt to see, so I figured a blog post was in order!  Jilly is feeling and acting great, which means she has been posing for the camera a lot more!!



Queen Nova Juju!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 9:31 pm on Saturday, September 14, 2013

Jill here.  Oh boy oh boy oh boy!  Mom brought me a great surprise from our mailbox today!  Spirit Queen Nova’s mom herself sent us a postcard with a beautiful picture of one of our biggest inpawrations!  Queen Nova, for those of you who don’t know, was a five year survivor of Osteosarcoma!  I woulda really liked to have met her even though she was much bigger than me.  It’s important to me and Mommy to have heroes like Queen Nova on this journey, it keeps our hope alive and reminds us to keep up the good fight! I bet this postcard has a lot of good luck and love with it, so I am going to snuggle up with it tonight.   Thank you for sending it to me Queen Nova’s Mommy we love you!


Happy NINE Month Ampuversary Jill!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 10:35 pm on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tomorrow is Jill’s NINE month ampuversary!  Unfortunately, just like her 8 month ampuversary, I will not be home to celebrate it with her as I will be traveling for work 🙁  So I thought I would post tonight so this time she wouldn’t have to break into my computer and post a Happy Ampuversary post to herself!

Well Month 8 started out rough, not knowing why she was losing weight.  A few days before her 8 month ampuversary she went to the vet and I was scared speechless about this weight loss.  We now know it was from the leukeran and she has now been off the leukeran for about four weeks and has gained lots of weight back and is doing great!  I can just tell she has her spark back.  I can just see it in her eyes, her coat, her actions, her face.  My little girl is back and fighting the good fight!

It’s been a really hard month around here on tripawds, sometimes it’s hard for me to share our good news. But I tell her everyday, she is fighting this not just for us now, but all our friends that we have lost.  I know she has guardogian angels looking down upon her now and we are determined not to let them down.

Here is a video of me letting her give me some kisses and she gets a kiss in return:

And some pics of Jilly acting like a dog, rolling on her back and then some where you can see how alert her eyes look now and the shine they have 🙂


Are you ready for some football!?!?

Filed under: Uncategorized — rica55 at 11:26 pm on Saturday, September 7, 2013

Jill here! Mommy just gave me some VERY exciting news!  My boys are BACK tomorrow!  Football starts again!!  I love football!  Mommy says maybe now that my health is having some great luck maybe the boys will have some good luck this year and actually be GOOD!  YAY!  Are you all excited for some football!?  Here are some pics of my cheering on my team!

jilljetsphotophoto (1)

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